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Old August 21st 03, 08:39 PM
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In Martin wrote:
I'd appreciate any comments, pro and con, from actual users of the
IC-706MKIIG. Performance, reliability, service problems, etc.

I got one a couple of months ago--they've dropped the price
and I couldn't resist. I got it really to work 6 meters but
wound up putting it in the car instead. I am REALLY impressed
with it. The DSP/auto-noise-reduction stuff seems to work
remarkably well (I've never had it before so I'm not a very
serious judge, though.) The menu system is pretty easy to use
even in the car, and the memories are darned nice--they store
power level among other parameters, so I can switch between the
local repeater and low power, and 70 watts on 20 meters, just with
the flip of the knob. VERY nice. I've only owned 4 HF rigs in my
entire 14 years as a ham, so I'm not very experienced with rigs
in general. But I've been DELIGHTED with the 706 MkIIG. If I
ever get bored with HF mobile I'll probably bring it inside for
my main SSB rig and use my FT-840 for PSK and CW. Feel free to
email me if you have any specific questions .. GOOD LUCK!

Ken Kuzenski AC4RD kuzen001 at acpub .duke .edu
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