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Old October 5th 04, 04:29 PM
Stephen M.H. Lawrence
Posts: n/a

"Buzzygirl" wrote in message
| "Jim Hackett" wrote in message
| GEEZ. I thought it was cold here in San Jose. It's been getting down
| into
| the high 50's during the night, 70's in the afternoon!!!!
| Here in southern Minnesota, we've had a few chilly nights (including last
| Friday, when it got down to the freezing mark) but it has generally been
| very nice for early October. Yesterday it was in the 70's. Today it was in
| the 50's, but then back into the 70's come Wednesday through Friday. The
| leaves are starting to change too. No more bugs, either. I love this time
| year.
| Jackie

Without a doubt, this is the most wonderful season. No mosquitoes,
just cold enough to keep the windows cracked open at night, and
it's a great time to go for a drive along the river to see the leaves'

Now...where and when will I go fishing?


Steve Lawrence
Burnsville, Minnesota

"If a man wants his dreams to come true then he must wake up."
- Anonymous

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