Newbie looking for vintage tube shortwave. Suggestions?
Hi. I know very little about shortwave radios. However, I do like listening to
late night talk radio. And my area only has mostly a selection of politics and
sports, which I don't like. So I would like to be able to hear some other
stations that my local carriers don't carry.
I'm also a lover of tube radios. I figured I'd kill two stones and get a tube
shortwave radio. I know that the newer, digital radios probably sound better.
But I'm willing to sacrifice a little sound for astetics as long as it's still
usable for my needs.
I'm basically keeping an eye out for something around $60. I've seen a few
things fly by on Ebay that both look good and claim to "work".
Anything I should be aware of? Any online shops available for these types of
radios besides ebay?