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Old October 6th 04, 11:27 AM
JuLiE Dxer
Posts: n/a

For what it's worth:

October 6th, 2004 @ 0900 UTC
@ 5000 kHz at about 25 dB over s9

October 6th, 2004 @ 0902 UTC
@ 2500 kHz peaks at 50 dB over s9

October 6th, 2004 @ 0905 UC
Radio New Zealand International
@ 9885 kHz varies between 30 dB over s9 to 50 dB over s9

October 6th, 2004 @ 0915 UTC
EWTN Global (Religious Brainwashing)
@ 5950 kHz peaks at +60 dB over s9 ( I need to turn on antenuator)
to avoid distortion from too strong of a signal.

October 6th, 2004 @ 0920 UTC
Armed Forces Network
@ 6350 USB peaks at about 40 dB over s9.

I'm only using an FT-847 with 100 ft. of ladder line going up to a
center-fed dipole at about 60ft.. overall dipole length about 320

On Tue, 5 Oct 2004 22:38:19 -0500, "Chuck" wrote:

Just curious of typical signal strengths people are receiving and with what
kind of antenna and radio. I am using an Icom 718
with an indoor 30 foot random wire. I know, I know I'm going to put up a
better antenna but that's what I've got for now. By the way I'm in Texas.

October 06, 2004 00:27 UTC
Radio Netherlands 9.845
S10 to S25

October 06, 2004 03:16 UTC
Radio China 9.720
S10 to S20

October 06, 2004 03:20 UTC
WWV 10.000
S8 Lots of Noise

October 06, 2004 03:25 UTC
BBC 5.975
S10 to S15

October 06, 2004 03:32 UTC
Radio China

October 06, 2004 03:35 UTC
Radio Taiwan 5.950