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Old October 6th 04, 07:43 PM
John Plimmer
Posts: n/a
Default USA received in Africa

Confirmed from September Dassie DXpedition:
1510 Khz, 0255, 040915, "KGA" ID "Radio fifteen ten" with sports talk,
Spokane WA, USA, 50 Kw, 16,330 Km's/10,100 miles from DX site.

The above raises the interesting question as to how many logs are received
over such a long distance on MW.
The only longer catch I have seen is the New Zealanders getting a high
powered French LW station, some 19,000 Km's from their DX site.

and from home QTH in Montagu
1410 Khz, 0139, 041004, "WHTG" Eatontown NJ with golden oldies format and
song "Lucy in the sky with diamonds" from the Beatles. That is a 126 watt
nightime power radio station some 12,700 km's/7,800 miles from my QTH.
(it was 7.40 p.m. local time in NJ)
Freak conditions..!!??

John Plimmer, Montagu, Western Cape Province, South Africa
South 33 d 47 m 540 s, East 20 d 07 m 541 s.
RX Drake R8B, SW8 & ERGO
BW XCR 30, Braun T1000, Sangean 818 & 803A.
Hallicrafters SX-100, Eddystone 940
GE circa 50's radiogram
Antenna's RF Systems DX 1 Pro, Datong AD-270
Kiwa MW Loop