JuLiE Dxer wrote in message . ..
It seems a lot easier to just run ladder line to your loop and let a
balun equipped tuner deal with matter.
It is very hard to get balanced RF transmission lines
that are anywhere near balanced. For transmitting, a little
imabalance only sprays RF all over the place, but any
imbalance on receive will let noise enter the system.
A friend has a cabin in an isolated location with no power,
telephone or cable TV. And a balanced line, even AC zip cord,
works great for receiving. But in every location with AC mains
power that I have tried to use balanced zip cord, 300 Ohm
(unsheilded) or 450 Ohm lader line, I have experienced lots of noise.
I have had good results with 300 Ohm shielded, but when compared
to 50 or 75 Ohm coax, there was no perceptable difference.
Local noise, generated in the SLWers home, is often the biggest
limitation and anything you can do to reduce it, either at the
source, or by keeping out of the feedline will help pull in those
weak signals.
A tuner mounted at the antenna, with a remote control would be nice
to play with. But a matching transformer is a lot easier and cheaper,
and for most of us is more then "good enough".