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Old October 9th 04, 11:37 AM
Johann Höchtl
Posts: n/a
Default Self made antenna for CB


i would like to make my own antenna for CB radio, mostly because i am
interessted in the technics involved, not strictly because of saving
some money.

I was googling a while but unfortunately the information i gathered was
rather unsatisfactory. Quite some theory but lack of practical descriptions.

Are there good links to pages how to make it's own antenna?

I am interessted in an antenna which gives me a good trade of between
gain, ease of operation and ease of manufacturing.

I think now that either a "long wire antenna" or a dipole would be the
best for my purpose. I would place both vertically on a fishing rod.
A horizontal adjustment would yield better results in DX but not so good
results for near communication, right?

But i wonder how i can make a balun on my own. I guess i need a 1:1
balun for the dipole (i use rg58 to the radio) or a 1:4? balun for the
long wire.

Would the two antenna types be a good choice?

Any help would be appreciated.
