My impression was that this was for a first "tube"
radio, not first radio of any kind. My recommendation
was not based on ease-of-use of course, but on
"ease-of-getting-into-decent-working-order." A fellow
with very little radio repair experience will have
a much harder time getting the average e-bay T/O
up to snuff.
Obvously there are better choices than either
a T/O or an S-38 out there, but they require more
dough to purchase and more skill to maintain.
Gray Shockley wrote:
On Thu, 7 Oct 2004 14:05:37 -0500, Larry Ozarow wrote
(in article 5sg9d.3650$Ua.1899@trndny01):
Since any tube radio is probably going to need recapping,
and the OP is inexperienced at this, a better choice to start
might be a Halli S-38 or the comparable National. These radios
have a lot more room under the hood and the inevitable re-capping
job will be much easier. After getting some experience, he'll be
ready for something like a T/O.
You're recommending /starting/ with 5-tube AC/DC's?
Do you really think that's a good idea? I started with a S-38B and
added a Heath Q-1 and I would /never/ recommend starting there ('course
I was 12 years old and invincible).
Gray Shockley
Entropy Maintenance Technician
Tao Chemical Company
Vicksburg, Mississippi US