m II wrote:
dxAce wrote:
LMAO at the stupid Canadian 'tard.
How long have you **Loved MAO**?
Computer illiterate? (Not surprising) LMAO = Laughing My Ass Off.
Were you converted to the Chinese communist cause during your last
military service? It appears you've hated the democratic way of life
ever since. I don't think freedom hating lunatics such yourself should
be able to amass large numbers of guns and thousands of rounds of
You fit the profile of a older, single, male nut case just waiting to
climb a local tower in order to teach the (fill in name of suspected
enemies here) *******s a lesson.
Tower? Surely you jest 'tard boy. I'm looking forward to crossing the border...
Obviously lots of *******s over there.
LMAO at the hilariously simple Canadian 'tard.