Stop your political bull**** spammer..
yojimbo/monsieur sandman/makihara/norman s. smiley/supernovii/son of
mustang ford/pixonik/t-model ford
all the same anal licking spammer.
another email sent off to your ISP, spammer
On Sat, 9 Oct 2004 16:44:24 -0400, "pixonik" wrote:
73s good buddy, DXers don't know anything about politics. Me, I've been
DXing for 30+ years, and if I've said it once, I'll say it again,
international broadcasters shouldn't report the news, stick to music and
game shows. Heil Bush!
"Mike Terry" wrote in message
A reminder that this newsgroup's description on the newslisting is
"shortwave radio enthusiast" so that may help those who are not sure what
this group is about.