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Old October 12th 04, 04:05 AM
Jonathan Kirwan
Posts: n/a

On 11 Oct 2004 16:11:16 -0700, (Alan Horowitz) wrote:

when a current just starts flowing into a RL or RC circuit, how does
the voltage "know" that it should be increasing exactly 63% during
each time-constant period?

And whence the number 63%?

I haven't had a chance to read other responses, but here's mine:

Take the case of an RC:

| |
V| \
--- / R
- \
--- |
- +-----
| |
o --- C
/ ---
o |

Assume C is discharged and V has just been applied by closing the switch...

The current through R is based on V, less the voltage on C (which counters V),

I(R) = ( V - V(C) ) / R

The above is a function of time, because V(C) is a function of time. So, what's
V(C)? Well, that needs to be arrived at more slowly.

First, we know that this is true:

Q = C*V

Well, actually, that's an average statement. More exactly, it's:

dQ = C * dV

In other words, the instantaneous change in Coulombs is equal to the capacitance
times the instantaneous change in voltage. Both sides can now be divided by an
instant of time to give:

dQ / dt = C * dV / dt

Since dQ/dt is just current (I), for the above capacitor this becomes:

I(C) = C * dV(C) / dt

So how does this help? Well, we know that the current from R must accumulate on
C. So, we know that:

I(C) = I(R) = ( V - V(C) ) / R

so, combining, we get:

C * dV(C) / dt = ( V - V(C) ) / R

Rearrangement of this gives:

dV(C) / dt + V(C) / (R*C) = V / ( R*C )

Which is the standard form for ordinary differential equations of this type.

The standard form with general terms looks like: dy/dx + P(x)*y = Q(x). In our
case, though, y = V(C), x = t, P(x) = 1 / (R*C), and Q(x) = V / (R*C).

The solution to this includes multiplying by what is called "the integrating
factor", which is:

u(x) = e^(integral (P(x)*dx)) = e^(integral (dt/RC)) = e^(t/(R*C))

(This is a VERY POWERFUL method to learn, by the way, and it is probably covered
in the first few chapters of any ordinary differential equations book.) So,
going back to look at the general form and multiplying both sides:

u(x)*dy/dx + u(x)*P(x)*y = u(x)*Q(x)

But the left hand side is just d(u(x)*y)/dx, so:

d(u(x)*y)/dx = u(x)*Q(x)


d(u(x)*y) = u(x)*Q(x) * dx

In our case, this means:

d( e^(t/(R*C)) * V(C) ) = V / ( R*C ) * e^(t/(R*C)) * dt

Taking the integral of both sides, we are left with:

e^(t/(R*C)) * V(C) = integral [ V / ( R*C ) * e^(t/(R*C)) * dt ]
= V / ( R*C ) * integral [ e^(t/(R*C)) * dt ]

setting z = t/(R*C), we have dz = dt/(R*C) or dt = R*C*dz, thus:

e^(t/(R*C)) * V(C) = V / ( R*C ) * R*C * [e^(t/(R*C)) + k1]
= V * [e^(t/(R*C)) + k1]
= V * e^(t/(R*C)) + V * k1
V(C) = V + V * k1 / e^(t/(R*C))
= V + V * k1 * e^(-t/(R*C))
= V * [ 1 + k1*e^(-t/(R*C)) ]

From initial conditions, where V(C) = 0V at t=0, we know that k1=-1, so:

V(C) = V * [ 1 - e^(-t/(R*C)) ]

Time constants are usually taken to be:


with (k) being the constant. In our V(C) case, this means that k=R*C. So
that's the basic constant and it's in units of seconds.

So, what's the voltage after one such constant of time? Well:

V(C) = V * [ 1 - e^(R*C/(R*C)) ] = V * [ 1 - 1/e ] = V * .63212

Ah! There's that 63% figure. Actually, more like 63.212%.

Two time constants would be:

1 - 1/e^2 = .864665

and so on....

Oh... and there are other methods you can use to solve the simple RC formula,
but the method I chose is a very general and powerful one worth learning well.
