"Dan" wrote in message
On Tue, 12 Oct 2004 18:05:29 -0400, "LawrenceK"
Anyone out there gotta list of nuts, the strange and other UFO
I'm familiar with Alex Jones on 9.475 and 3.210 during the week and
I know
about WBCQ on 7.415
Any other freaks and direct lines to god I outta know about out
George Noory/Art Bell on "Coast to Coast AM" every night from 5 UTC
all night long. These guys are completely looney, and allow any
nutcase with a conspiracy theory to be a guest on the show.
Go to http://www.coasttocoastam.com/ if you want to see some of the
topics they discuss.
Watch out or Major Ed Dames will remote view you into oblivion!