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Old October 11th 04, 09:47 AM
m II
Posts: n/a

RHF wrote:

After reading it; and gaining a better understanding of the
'Enabling Act' one has to conclude that the "Patriot Act"
does not have the intent or force of law as the 'Enabling Act'.
To claim such is simply a LIE [.]

We have the benefit of hindsight in the case of Germany. The collective
noses are too close to the Patriot Act to see clearly what it
encompasses. In twenty years we'll have a better view of what it did.
That's if history is still permitted to be read.

Basically the Patriot Act provides for the same Law Enforcement
Tools for the War Against Terrorism as the USofA has used for
years in the War Against Drugs. I'm reassured. The war on drugs has been a HUGE success.
Someone once wondered how it was possible to smuggle small nuclear
devices into the country. A wit replied that all the bad guys had to do
was hide them in cocaine shipments. There's a lot of food for thought
