IC-706MKIIG Comments ??
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August 22nd 03, 01:05 AM
Dan, danl, danny boy, Redbeard, actually Greybeard
Posts: n/a
On 21 Aug 2003 10:19:23 GMT,
(AO KD5FXT) sent into
the ether:
My 706 has worked great for 2 or 3 years, however, my mkiiG has some problems.
1) my ssb power is only 30 watts on 20-160 meters. (AM power and rtty Power is
2) SWR and Power Meters seem to be reversed on 20-160 meters.
I use an external tuner to verify this.
3) 440 does not seem to receive.
4) Local service people (Avvid) does not work on the G model
5) Guess it will have to go back to Icom for alignment at $75 / hour
Try the Icom reflector. It's a great group of people.
Dan, N9JBF
Amateur radio - What a hobby!
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