Yes, I bought a pair ( cheaper ones)
they will take out steady " ROAR" type noise; A/C, Jets, Road noise, some
subqway sounds..
but are totally unaffective against Music From Next Door..
- Once they come in with an " Anti Music " set, then maybe I'll buy
And I think they all use the same " Noise Cancellation Technology" chips,
but put them in nicer package & charge more..
Go for teh cheapest ones, IMHO
Dan / NYC
In article , "Les"
Subject: Headphones
From: "Les"
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2004 12:40:48 -0400
I was wondering if anyone has tried the noise canceling headphones (back
ground noise not noise from radio). I saw them forsake at Brookstones for
$200.00. Any comments?