BRASIL Radio Nacional Amazonia 11.780 2258 GMT
Portuguese 333 October 11th OM with an ID. YL with comments
with another OM. MacKenzie-CA.
CHINA China Radio Intl 11.775 2256 GMT Spanish
433 October 11th YL ancr with Chinese music and off the air at 2257
hrs. MacKenzie-CA.
CHINA CPBS 11.610 2308 GMT Chinese 333
October 11th YL with comments and OM with comments by 2313 hrs.
CHINA??? station???? 9.940 2317 GMT Chinese 333
October 11th YL and OM with a conversation, then OM with comments.
EGYPT Radio Cairo 11.790 2254 GMT Arabic 333
October 11th Continuous Arabic music. MacKenzie-CA.
GERMANY Voice of Croatia Relay 9.925 2325 GMT Croatian
433 October 11th YL with comments plus OM with comments, then
instrumental music at 2331 hrs plus vocals by a YL and OM.
Where did the Sunspots Go???
Stewart H. MacKenzie, WDX6AA
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Meet"