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Old October 21st 04, 07:46 AM
Posts: n/a

I've built a number of crystal radios over the last few years, and really enjoy
the entire process, from winding coils to stringing up long wires and grounding
everything. I have DX'ed some decent hauls, though a set like that is not going
to be as selective as a more robust rig. I've made tuners and added stages in
some of my crystal sets to add some selectivity, and while this does tend to
reduce the level of the signal (to the point where real long-haul DXing is no
longer a reasonably reliable goal), when conditions permit nice DX, adding
extra stages of tuning and selectivity help a LOT. But you really need to like
tinkering, and fiddling with everything, to get the strongest, cleanest
reception. And have a very good ground!
But I find it's worth every bit of it!
Good luck-

Richard wrote:
Has anyone tried it. Came across a few links on the topic, seems fun.