Jack Painter wrote:
Kerry, or most others like him, would have done exactly the same thing on
the same course that Bush took.
But Kerry wouldn't have taken the same course. He'd have announced the
creation of a new cabinet post, Secretary of Counterterrorism, and then
made a speech informing the nation that he was working with the new
Secretary to create a commission to formulate a plan to bring about
world peace. Then while he contacted the United Nations to send some
delegates to the commission, his lawyers would be suing to censor
Fox News Network and Rush Limbaugh to prevent them from highlighting
the nonsensical nature of all this.
Waterloo, Iowa, October 21, 2004 -- Presidential candidate John Kerry today
declared victory in the election as hordes of DNC attorneys descended on
courtrooms all over the country, suing to disqualify Bush votes on grounds
that no sane person would vote for him.