PAPUA NEW GUINEA No PNGs noted on these freqs this morning; 4890 (NBC),
3335 (East Sepik), 3325 (Bougainville), 3315 (Manus; is never on on
weekends), and 3260 (Madang). (23 Oct.)
PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3305, R. Western (pres.), Hrd het well before
1000. Finally getting a little audio at 1110. 1123 men choral group. C&W
mx at 1155, and into another choral song. Very weak, and weaker than
Ternate above, but definitely there. Didn't spend much time on this as I
wanted to get a recording of Simbu which was doing very nicely. (23 Oct.)
PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3355, R. Simbu, 1125-1200*, Lively PNG Pop mx pgm w/W
hosting. After s/off anmnts at 1159, played the usual native flute
signature melody, then short NA and off, although the carrier remained
on. (23 Oct.)
PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3204.96, R. Sandaun, Hrd a Provincial choral song at 1201
prior to short instru. NA at 1201*. Fairly good. (23 Oct.)
(Dave Valko - Cumbre DX)