Believe it or not, you can still get NOS (New Old Stock) tubes through
Shack. I recently bought a backup set of tubes for my R.L. Drake SW-4A,
which I
purchased new in 1975. I gave the list to the salesperson at Radio Shack,
they called me in two weeks, with the complete list ready for pickup. They
came in Realistic tube boxes, and appeared to be new. Funny thing is, I
never replaced a tube in this receiver, and it still performs like the day
bought it! Now that says something about well built old tube receivers.
DXing to you, Gary
Gary, I'm curious about the price you paid for those tubes--not the literal
amount, but whether you checked RS against Antique Electronic Supply or any of
the many online suppliers of NOS tubes. RS was never known for bargains on
tubes (or anything else).
Avery W3AVE
Potomac, Md.