Kristoff Bonne wrote:
Brenda Ann Dyer schreef:
I reiterate however, that people in third world and oppressive countries
will not have access/not be able to afford the receivers for either this or
On the contrairy. DRM is the ideal way for oppressive regimes to
manufactor receivers that can only pick up the stations you want to
people to be able to listen to.
(based on the station-id, not only the frequency)
Well there ya go... another good reason to toss DRM into the bin.
China has (IIRC) several hunderd MG transmittors all over the country
and is one biggest "pushers" for DRM.
Part of it might be because of the savings in transmissions-power; but I
think the possibility of "control" mechanism which are possible in DRM
radio-sets are also to "some" appeal to the Chinese gouvernement. :-)
BTW. Once China begins manufactoring DRM radio-sets en-masse, it will
not be a great surprise for the to pop-up in the "third world" countries
you mention.
Cheerio! Kr. Bonne.
Kristoff Bonne, Bredene, BEL
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