Yep, Bruce Springsteen is quite a musician.
Very powerful lyrics . . .
You can't really pick out a " Best Song" of his
& did you know "Ramblin' Jack Elliot"'s real name was Elliot Adnopoz ,
From Coney Island, N.Y.
- They were playing Opera on Radio Australia this AM, so
I done shut it off.. ( Not my thing.)
Dan / NYC
In article , "yojimbo"
Springsteen brings out 80,000 to cheer Kerry
...Bruce Springsteen, making a rare foray into campaign politics, said his
songs were about "who we are, what we stand for, what we fight for now, I
believe these essential ideas about America (are) what is at stake on
November 2."
"I believe Senator Kerry honours these ideas, he has lived our history for
the last 50 years. He has formed an adult view of America and its people,"
the rocker said, as golden leaves floated from the trees onto his stage.
"The future is now, and it's time to let our passions loose," said
Springsteen, clad in a simple dark jacket and blue pants, strumming his
black acoustic guitar.
"I am here today to stand alongside Senator Kerry and say that the country
we carry in our hearts is waiting, and together we can move America towards
its deepest ideas," Springsteen after playing his song "Promised Land"...