Very Low Frequency Up Converter
I have searched the web looking for a good VLF up converter and came to the
following conclusions:
1. The Palomar converter is not a good choice.
2. There was a converter article that was published by "Burhans
Electronics" but I cannot find any info on it.
3. There is a design by KF5CQ but cannot find anyone that has built one and
commented on it.
4. There is a company called North County Radio that sells a kit called
LFCON and again cannot find anyone that has built this and commented on it.
5. I saw a product from LF Engineering that uses a SBL-1 mixer, where the
KF5CQ design uses a SBL-3 mixer
Does anyone on the group have any experience with the LFCON?
I would also appreciate any info on experiences with the above mentioned VLF
up converters or any other up converters.