there is not a trimmer capacitor in the crystal circuit IIRC, though you
could probably add one if needed. You have (or I had) a choice of 3
crystals and bands, and I picked the 10.000 Mhz crystal since I could
check it against WWV and it would be a handy item for use as a frequency
reference if I ever junked the kit ;-)
You will want a well shielded housing if you live in an urban area with
powerful transmitters (AM..) nearby. In bad cases, an outboard low pass
filter might be needed (see ARRL handbook for circuits etc.).
Many of the digital dials on moderate cost digital receivers are not zero
beat-able against WWV, and BFO settings etc. may interact as well,
so an approximate readout is all most of us will get anyway ;-)
hth bobm
************************************************** *********************
* Robert Monaghan POB 752182 Southern Methodist Univ. Dallas Tx 75275 *
********************Standard Disclaimers Apply*************************