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Old November 2nd 04, 08:52 PM
Mark S. Holden
Posts: n/a

"D. Martin" wrote:

Good for shortwave? They only want 30 bucks for it. I imagine it's the
kind of thing they put on humvees. The website says HAM users could use
it, or "other" radio enthusiests. Darren

The link you included wasn't for the antenna.

I use a 10' "folding" whip antenna with an impedance matching transformer and an avantek 30db preamp on my 7030+ "portable" system. It goes together like the flexible poles used in tents, or like a multiple part fishing pole.

It's set up with a 1/4-20 socket on the bottom so I can put it on top of a spare photographic tripod.

It works well, but if you're looking for something to use in a fixed location, you're probably better off identifying some nice tall sturdy trees away from the house, and running a wire between them.