Thread: Heading South
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Old November 3rd 04, 06:58 AM
Posts: n/a

On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 04:07:53 GMT, "Burr" wrote:


Well, at least I had half of it correct 8-} Does the fact that I
didn't vote for Boxer, or that ditz Maxine Waters, count for bonus

Man, I'd give you the world to stop those two.


Looks like the state just went Kerry! I did my part to stop him!!!

Boxer has claimed victory with a 13% margin and Maxine Waters is
re-elected with 73% of the vote. Waters has it so wrapped up that she
doesn't even have to campaign - a true shame considering all she
hasn't done for her constituents other than breed hatred of the
government to which she has been elected. Heck, I'd even vote for the
homeless guy who talks to imaginary people and panhandles at the local
convenience store versus Ms. Waters. Her office never even responds
to inquiries on her positions on pending legislation ........ yup,
really serving the constituency. Unless of course you claim to have
information that supports her continuing contention that the CIA is
behind the drug problem in South-Central LA, which is part of her
district. Of course, when that is considered it makes it easier to
understand why she keeps getting re-elected.
