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Old November 5th 04, 08:59 PM
Al Patrick
Posts: n/a

Since he supposedly has no money he is either using 501(C)3
contributions for his legal defense which would be income, and possibly
taxable; he has a "friend" who is picking up the tab which would
possibly also be taxable; the lawyers are working for nothing which is
doubtful; or he has court appointed attorneys which is very doubtful.

With hired guns (attorneys) and bribed judges he will probably get off
with probation (electronically monitored) or "time served" considering
the two years he has been in jail or has been under electronic
surveillance. This is one of the things many of the folks who left the
farm could not understand. "The wheels of 'justice' turn veeerrry
slowly!" Some were predicting that he'd be out of business within a
year. I'm predicting he will get very little additional time, if any at

Our "judicial" system does not want to do away with crime. Too many
folks would be out of business. CRIME PAYS for the crooks all too often
and for the judicial system every time one is caught.

Therefore, they *may* want to give him five years probation so his
parole officer will have a job for that five years! ;-)



D. Martin wrote:

I like Stair. Now, if I had put my trust in him, and he had violated
any creature dear to me, I'd have taken vengeance myself. So, there is
my hypocrisy. Like I've said, the court will hash through the various
allegations. Darren