"Brian Edward Hill" wrote in message
| "JuLiE Dxer" wrote in message
| ...
| "Diverd4777" wrote in message
| ...
| ** JuLiE Dxer:
| **
| ** - Do you post anything about Shortwave?
| ** What kind of receivers do you have?
| ** What kind of Antennas?
| ** How's Propagation in your neck of the woods ??
| ** Any interesting catches recently?
| ** Write any Utilities for receivers ?
| **
| ** JuLiE Dxer:
| ** - Do you post anything about Shortwave?
| ** Put up or Shut up, and have a nice day.
| **
| * Is there some odd reason why you are concerned with "JuLIE" and not
| * with the other id that's engaged in massive OT bombardment of rrs
| * with no shortwave content? Just wonderin'
| Exactly... There are way too many off topic postings cluttering up
| this group with pure garbage not related to short wave radio. One
| reason why they're not channeling their efforts towards the spammers
| is that they're part of the group of spammers with all their Identity
| shifting.
| No you shut up!
Time has come for us to shut *her* up.
Send your complaints to:
if you've had enough of her garbage.
Steve Lawrence
Burnsville, Minnesota
"If a man wants his dreams to come true then he must wake up."
- Anonymous
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