"-=jd=-" wrote in message
| On Sat 06 Nov 2004 12:00:20p, Dan wrote
| in message :
| On Sat, 06 Nov 2004 17:51:50 +0100, Volker Tonn
| wrote:
| -=jd=- schrieb:
| .....Will it include the content of broadcasts
| heard on the radio?
| The contetnt is sometimes useful for IDing a station for
| some reason. But _discussing_ on the content is clearly
| offtopic here. Thanks.
| In your opinion. Thanks.
| Dan
| Here's a snip from a 1996 post pointing to the charter & faq:
| (my emphasis added in all-caps)
| ###################
| What is rec.radio.shortwave for?
| ...This group is intended to be a place where ANY radio
| monitoring topic can and should be discussed. We are happy to
| hear from posters who listen to any part of the radio or
| microwave spectrum, from DC to daylight. We discuss topics of
| ALMOST ANY KIND, ranging from (but not limited to) SHORTWAVE
| BROADCASTING, DXing small or distant shortwave stations,
| utility and teletype monitoring, military eavesdropping,
| station schedules, QSLing sw broadcasters, spectrum
| usage, equipment design and modifications, antennas, receiver
| reviews and recommendations, AND MANY MORE...
| ###################
| So, when it gets to the part about topics, what is the *very*
| first item in the example list?:
| "...We discuss topics of almost any kind, ranging from (but
| not limited to) shortwave broadcasting..."
| And there you have it.
| Julie (if that's your *real* name), Mike Terry, Volker Tonn -
| You are all hereby relieved of your net-kopping duties. You
| may lay down your arms & return peacfully to your farms and
| fields; You fought bravely and honorably, but now the war has
| ended.
Honorably? By making reference to where I live and the names
of members of my family? By posting one of my email addresses
multiple times to encourage spam? She doesn't understand honor,
and for that reason, I think it's time to encourage Verizon to take
away her posting privileges. "She" is a control freak, and will stop
at nothing to shut people up.
It's time to fight fire with fire. "She" is in way over her head.
Steve Lawrence
Burnsville, Minnesota
"If a man wants his dreams to come true then he must wake up."
- Anonymous
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