"Dyuob Poltice" wrote in message
I was showing my kids that with a cheapie radio (yb 205 ~$25.00 plus
shipping when i bought it) and a piece of wire, one could catch
a few stations.
The only mod I've done is take out the antenna (which was sort of
shorting out all the time anyway) and put a 1/8 mini plug in it's
place. I've got it connected to a random wire, grounded, fed with a
coax from outside.
We would scan a band, find stuff that was interesting, cross
it on the yb400pe, then look it up on ilg.
We had a ball finding stuff.
I've said it before (in this group, as a matter of fact), and I'll
it again, you don't have to spend very much to enjoy this hobby.
All you really need is the desire to listen.
and a piece of wire.
I've got my two oldest (6 and 3, respectively), interested
in the world courtesy of shortwave. (The Olympics didn't
hurt, either.) I pulled out a 6 year old world map that I had
around before we moved into our current house, put it
on the wall, and we now point out where the country we're
listening to is located, and what it's flag is. If there's music
on, which is a bonus, the kids dance around the basement
and follow along on their own "instruments", which often
consists of pans to bang on.
--Mike L.