If you have a receiver with a 12KHz IF, all you need to do is feed this
into your sound card and Dream software (available for free) will decode
the DRM program. Give it a try before you invest into it, to see if you
like it. I would not invest a lot into it at this time, but I believe it is
the direction SW is going.
The sound quality of DRM is much better than standard shortwave. Its
biggest downfall is that it needs a lot of signal or you will get drop outs
(total loss of signal). Drop outs are very annoying and a lot harder to
take than standard fading on short wave. Music comes across very nice via
DRM, unfortunately there isn't much music available on short wave.
I get solid copy most of the time from Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles and
Sackville, NB Canada. I have not picked up anything from Europe.
Like I said, give it a try and see how you like it.
San Antonio, Tx.
"Karl Graff" wrote in message
Please excuse any ignorance I am going to show- you have helped me a lot
as I learned to DX and what kind of radio gives the most bang for the
What is the real deal with DRM? Are analog SW radios going away? Have any
of you invested in a DRM capable receiver and how are they? Should I
begin to move towards DRM and if so, what receivers will pick up and
decode those signals? What are the limitations, or the cons if any, of
Thanks for any info/opinions you are willing to pass on...
Pastor K
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