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Old November 12th 04, 01:11 AM
Posts: n/a

Knowledge wrote:


Little or no education children. You need to know the dictionary
definitions of words before you begin throwing them around and
accusing people of being thus or so.

You can't just take words and then call someone that word because you
don't like what they have to say.

If we are going to play like than, then I can tell the world that
Julie and DXAce are sexual perverts queers! I know they are, because
they sound that way when they post.

Now that makes just as much sense as you all calling me an A..hole and
a rac..t" doesn't it?

I don't have to have any fact. It is so because I say it.

Now my handle is "knowledge" I have plenty of that to share with
people. you would be wise to call me that, and I will call you by your

How about I just call you 'stupid', 'tard boy?
