Agree completely. The downside of having a free forum is that it is
unmoderated and any fool can rant on for pages. Because I've never
heard of a message being deleted or an id revoked, I assume the google
groups are wide open. Many of the authors of these pointless messages
are looking to provoke a response. By ignoring them we exercise the
only control we have. The others who use the shotgun approach and
post the same message to many forums rarely read any responses. They
are sending this stuff out for their own self-enhancement.
Best to keep with the shortwave related posts and ignore the fools.
"Richard" wrote in message ...
Come on guys, things are beginning to get out of control. This is a GOOD ng
and it would seem a pity to spoil it with nasty words about politics. If
there were so rationality in the post that would be one thing, but they are
simply insults hurled by both sides and are SO boring/
Come on, election is over, now back to SW
Richard SO5GB