"Steveo" wrote in message
"R. F. Burns" wrote:
hey steveo. all i see here is your forges and your threats to the hams
who post here. you're a very vulgar person.i don't know about doug and
george, but i take your threats to do bodily harm serious.
you love to threaten innocent people like wwm.
well threaten me, boy.
i am not the gentleman wwm is.
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^^^ ****ing retard^^
I'll take your lunch money and buy you a tampon
with it, dogie. Call it humanitarian help. It's
a plain shame you were too busy jamming repeaters
and scamming people, while you neglected your
children. Paybacks are gonna suck, or so your
neighbor tells me on the land line.
Steveo won't do ****. He's a flamming faggot coward plain and simple.
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