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Old November 13th 04, 09:58 PM
Posts: n/a

On 13 Nov 2004 05:22:23 GMT, lex (Nobody You Know)


However, very few people have taken the time to

read this amazing history of African People on planet Earth.

LOL !!!

The Bible is a history of blacks? How absurd and demonstrably false.

I gave you several verses that spoke directly to how someone looked,
or the country from where their spouse originated. What more do you

Solomon's mother Bathsheba was married to "Uriah the Hittite" before
King David killed him and took her to be his wife. Biblical
authorities have long known and accepted the fact that the Hittites
were a dark race of people. Do a google search on the word "Hittites"
and you will find articles that tell you that. So that means that King
Solomon was at least half black. His father David was also black, but
I would have to go into a lengthier explanation to prove that and I'm
not sure that anyone is reading this anyway so I don't have the time
to waste. Join my list if you really want to know the truth of these
things, :-)

Also Jesus received all of his genetic makeup from his mother. The
bible says that it was a "Virgin birth" meaning he was born, but his
mom didn't have sex with his step dad. It is easy to trace Mary's
ancestry line back and it is full of black people.

There are probably people on this list from Italy and other European
countries where they still bow down to and worship a black Jesus and a
black virgin Mary. I saw them portrayed that one in a small church in
Acquilea, Italy near Trieste once upon a time.

Then try and find anywhere in the Bible where it says anything
negative about black people

It doesn't say anything positive about blacks either. In fact, it hardly
mentions them at all.

The bible doesn't mention blacks specifically because their was little
to no race hatred back in those days. So people were used to blacks
being in power and running the show. Since nearly everyone in the
bible was black it would be silly to keep saying "so and so was a
black person"

You can also look at the region of the world where the bible took
place, All of that area was called Africa back 2004 years ago. There
was no middle east. That is a term that came about during the early
1900's. There also was no SUEZ canal which divides Africa today from
Saudi Arabia. Europe is connected to Africa. There are only about 25
miles separating Europe from the continent of Africa. That is why ALL
humans, including you, have lots of African genetic makeup. Your
denying that, doesn't change the reality at all.

If you have an inside line to GWB and his band of devils, email them
and tell them to look over the information at this site carefully, and
then ask themselves is killing everyone who doesn't agree with you the
way to true peace among mankind?

So why aren't you condemning the muslims? If anyone is killing everyone that
doesn't agree with them, it is the MUSLIMS. Oh, I see, since you are a BLACK
RACIST, you don't want black muslims to be portrayed negatively. You just be
hatin dem blue-eyed devils.

The entire Muslim world didn't attack us. Only Saudi Arabians and
Egyptians did. You don' burn down the barn to get rid of the rat. We
killed nearly a million innocent people over there from 1991 to 2004
with our sanctions. So America was aggressor! Osama was angry at our
destroying people in the Middle East, and it took him several years
before he figured out how to try and defend his countries in the
Middle East. He struck a second time on 91101, but even then we have
stilled slaughtered a 100 times more of their people than they have
ours. AND... don't forget this. We started it. Just like we went to
Panama and jumped on Noriega. We started the fight. We went to Somalia
and jumped on them halfway around the world. We started it. If you
can't accept those simple truths, then your brain is already fried,
and good for nothing except twirling the shortwave dial and piddling
with yourself.

Here are a few more scriptures that show the huge role black folks
played in the Bible.

Numbers chapter 12 verse 1

King Solomons mother Bathsheba was a black woman. that means Solomon
was at least half black. Yet the LORD,GOD, says below that "the LORD
loved him"
Now if GOD loves black people don't you think you should learn to do
so as well?

Where does it state that she was black? Why didn't you quote any scripture that
says she was black? The answer is obvious, there is no such scripture and
you're a liar, a con-man, and a black racist.

You're full of crap.

Go read 2nd Samuel where it talks about Bathsheba and her husband.
Again, remember the world hasn't always been so full of race hate like
it is now. So the people in the bible didn't feel it was necessary to
identify each person by race.

If you have the ability to reason in a sane manner, then when you see
in Numbers chapter 12 verse where it says that Moses was married to an
"Ethiopian woman" then if you know anything about geography, you would
know that Ethiopia is in sub-Saharan African where the people are
brown to black.

When you see in Genesis that Abraham went in to his wife's handmaiden
"Hagar the EGYPTIAN" if you were a properly educated human you would
know that EGYPT is in North Africa. Some of the people there are light
and some are dark. However 2,000 years ago when there was much less
migration of people from one place to the other, the Egyptians were
mostly brown, or black people as well.

Don't fight the truth. Revel in it. Don't worry. Be happy. You and
everyone on this list are ni..ers! It's good to be a! :-) All
of GODS chosen people are ni..ers.
White people are not GODS chosen people. They are albinos that were
cast out from African by their parents because they were so weird
looking not having any melanin in their skin. They hooked up with each
other over the centuries and slowly moved north in to what is now
called Europe. They created a group of people who are the most
ignorant, violent, inhumane people that the world has ever seen.
Everywhere they go, they kill, loot and rape, then take over the
country from the people who were there first.

So rejoice in your African heritage. Africa had advanced civilization
thousands of years ago. Africans built the pyramids. Scientists today
still don't know how they did it. Africans embalmed people and they
remained mummified for thousands of years in good condition.There were
libraries and universities on the gold coast in African when "white
people" were living in caves and eating each other in Europe.

No I'm full of KNOWLEDGE. You're full of hatred, rabies, and other
mental illnesses.