Thread: Reason why?
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Old November 14th 04, 06:04 PM
Al Patrick
Posts: n/a

Sadam, the Chinese, the Russians and now the Japanese have decided not
to support the U.S. dollar - at least to the extent it has been
supported in the past.

The English speaking politicians of America have decided NOT to close
off the borders though they claim to be fighting terrorism. Instead
they are spreading terrorism. We are supposed to become so terrorized
that we willingly give up ALL our rights to those who would gladly
destroy us. We even have to put on our coffee cups - in four different
languages - "Caution Hot" so that invaders no longer have to learn
English - or learn that coffee is SUPPOSED to be HOT.

Perhaps this is just one more step in phasing out the good ol' English
language just as there is an attempt to phase out the WASPs (White
Anglo-Saxon Protestants) and the God which they at one time served.
That was before they succumbed to the doctrines of Balaam.

Why should ANYONE broadcast in any language that they are attempting to
phase out? Perhaps we could now do completely away with ABC, NBC, CBS
and CNN except that they are needed to continue to lull us to sleep!

Good night! ;-)


Lance Storm wrote:

Why did Radio Deutsche Welle stop transmitting on SW in English?

Two weeks ago, I heard that Swiss Radio International was going to do the

What will become of the shorwave bands?