Thread: Reason why?
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Old November 15th 04, 12:00 AM
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Lance Storm wrote:

Why did Radio Deutsche Welle stop transmitting on SW in English?

Two weeks ago, I heard that Swiss Radio International was going to do the

What will become of the shorwave bands?

The Swiss have stopped broadcasting on SW altogether. There was recently
a post on this group that a Swiss amateur radio club is briefly using
the old SRI transmitters, but after that the whole operation will be

As for DW, they haven't totally stopped transmitting in English on SW,
but their current English SW broadcasts-mostly to Africa-are hard to
hear in North America. Like the BBC, DW management thinks SW is out of
date and is concentrating on the internet and satellite. The BBC has
stated that it isn't interested in being heard by ordinary people, only
the powerful, and they all have internet and satellite connections. I
suspect the same thinking is going on at DW. As for VOA, it's being
phased out in favor of music based services like Radio Sawa. Having
listened to Sawa's SW tx's, I can say that they sound a lot like an
American FM station, except with a little bit of "news" interspersed
with the music. Apparently the US govt thinks that the best way to turn
Muslim youth away from terrorism is to broadcast rap music to them. I
would think that that would create terrorists, not stop them.

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