Jerry wrote:
hi there,
i work in a 250000square foot building. i sit at a desk most all day long,
we have airplanes flying over all day. dont know if that has anything to do
with it. my question. i would like a radio that gets lots of different
stations from all over the place. am radio dont come in too well in the
building. do any of you radio pros have any suggestions for me. i like talk
radio and news stations. what do you think....
thanks for your time
Odds are you won't have much luck unless you can get some sort of
antenna outside of the building.
MW and HF frequencies don't pass through metal very well, and a building
that size is bound to have plenty of metal in the walls.
When my office was in a former bank building with double thick steel
reinforced masonry walls, I was able to get reasonable results with a
Quantum Loop antenna hooked up to my radios.
Most of the time, I got my best results with the antenna pointed at the
glass door.
Can you run a thin run of coax to a window that opens or is on the
ground floor? (Rg-174 is quite thin) If so, you could put an antenna
outside and couple it to your coax capacitively. If you'd like to try
this route, email back for suggestions.
Otherwise, you could try something like the Quantum Loop, but if you're
more than 20-30 feet from a decent sized window, I wouldn't expect much.
You might want to find something you like to listen to on VHF frequencies.
The quantum loop is available he
Good luck.