i have today fixed my ICOM IC-R7000 display problem in the end
i went and tried the simple repair first.
this repair was simply a case of changing C19 and C20 on the display board
these are both 10uf 16v capacitors.
simple repair and all is now working 100% .
at this time i am testing the ICOM IC-R7000 fully and when it is tested
fully i am putting it up for sale any serious offer considered what is this
"Mark S. Holden" wrote in message
big boy now wrote:
i have just been given the following receiver...
ICOM IC-R7000 this is in very good condition but for the following..
when i was given the receiver i was told it hasn't been used for a few
years. just how long i don't know. there is a fault then i first
the receiver in the display lit up for just a few second i thought great
then the display went off.. i have looked inside and all seems well no
are off all are connected firmly. when the display went out i turned the
off and on again the display lit up but for a couple of seconds then went
out again.....has anybody go any idea what this problem could be caused
and how could i fix the problem..
i have phoned one radio dealer no names and was told that the set will
fully re aliening due to not being used for some time hence the display
not stay lit and i was told it would cost £80.00+ for the repair cost. do
you think re aliening the receiver will fix the fault. if so is the cost
£80.00 to put it right a fair price....
or can anybody recommend a good radio dealer in or around London
who could fix this set for me....
Thanks: John.
It doesn't sound like an alignment problem to me, but there is apparently
a known problem that can affect the display and sensitivity.
This might help:
The first solution he suggests should be fairly easy for anyone who is
somewhat handy with a soldering iron.
The second one will require a little more experience, but it looks like
something a beginner could handle if they're careful.