= = = "bugrunner" wrote in message
= = = news:TUynd.3574$SA.2943@lakeread02...
I have this radio and was curious what other owners find to be the best
antenna to pair it with.
Bug Runner,
For 'portable radio like the Sony ICF-SW7600GR, consider the
"Portable Wire Antenna" (PWA) that was created and written about
by Tom Sevart [N2UHC].
Portable Wire Antenna "PWA" for the Sony ICF-2010. To 'quote'
Tom Sevant "This is an antenna I put together after having
problems with overload on my Sony 2010 portable shortwave receiver"
FWIW: Basically, the PWA is a a short to medium length
"Random Wire Antenna" that is 'couple' via the 'portable'
Radio's Whip Antenna for improved reception.
HOW-TO-USE-IT - Place the "Coupling Coil":
[ Three Ways to Use the "Portable Wire Antenna" (PWA) ]
#1. Vertically [Over] the 'portable' Radio's "Partially Collapsed"
Whip Antenna for Improved Shortwave (SW) Radio Reception.
- Vary the "Length/Stub" of the Whip Antenna to 'adjust' the
amount of effective coupling and Signal Transfer.
#2. Vertically [Over] the 'portable' radio's "Fully Extended"
Whip Antenna for Improved FM Radio Reception.
#3. Horizontally [Near] the 'portable' radio's AM/MW Ferrite Rod
Antenna for Improved AM/MW and Longwave Radio Reception.
- Adjust the 'position' of the Coupling Coil to vary the amount
of effective coupling and Signal Transfer.
The webpage written by by Tom Sevart [N2UHC] describes the
construction and set-up of the PWA [Portable Wire Antenna].
READ: Sony ICF-SW7600GR a few External Antenna Options
Also, you may wish to "JOIN" one or both of these YAHOO eGroups
for Sony ICF-SW7600GR Owners.
* Sony ICF-SW7600 / G / GR eGroup
* Sony ICF-SW7600GR eGroup
iane ~ RHF
Some Say: On A Clear Day You Can See Forever.
I BELIEVE: On A Clear Night...
You Can Hear Forever and Beyond - THE BEYOND !
EXTRA READING: Here are a few Messages to Read about using
External Antennas with 'portable' AM/FM/Shortwave Radios like
the Sony ICF-SW7600GR:
* The simplest & easiest 'portable' Shortwave Antenna
to use 'portable' Radios
* External Antenna Options for the Grundig Yacht Boy 300 PE
* Sony ICF-SW7600GR and the Sony AN-LP1 Antenna
* Using the Sony ICF-2010 with the Portable Wire Antenna "PWA"
* Three Ways to Use the "Portable Wire Antenna" (PWA)
* The "PWA" [Portable Wire Antenna]... for use with'portable' radios
iane ~ RHF