November 22nd 04, 02:05 AM
It Can't Happen Here (Gimme an ''f'')
"Jack Painter" wrote in message
Very interesting article, but could have been a little more provocative if
you had inserted comments about the quoted patterns that do NOT fit
This is mostly misunderstood, because the smart-asses of the world who
they are liberal minded, have never known liberal anything. We invented
liberal and open minded thinking like the world has never known, not even
before the self-annihilation of the Greek and Roman empires. If the
pattern of cyclical self destruction continues, these wise asses from
nations will NEVER know what the freedoms of thinking and acting liberal
all about either. It's important! Important in parallel with science and
religions as evidence of what man can do, could do, should do, and most
likely will do, both to himself and his environment. But the world's great
thinkers have never known the formula of "America" to write their thesis
before, and we defy the predictions of all who attempt to predict our
downfall. We rise to the rescue of the vanquished, meet our economic and
military challengers on the battlefields of industry, science, and
and emerge triumphant in all cases. No one who emulates us can equal us,
none who oppose us can defeat us. The last three attempts by the old world
to ruin itself (WW's I, II, and the Cold War) had their defeats delivered
by America. The next time somebody tells Americans we're stupid, we're
arrogant, or we're wrong, ask them when the last time was they were right
about anything. Right now we're summing up who our friends are, and who
enemies are. If one day those friends turn out to be muslims, or the
turn out to be English - we can deal with that. But it's pretty obvious
right now that the nation of islam in it's present form has got to go, and
this means on a worldwide basis. These things can be fluid, and tolerance
applied where it is earned. But the survival of America is not a
principle, and all the advice from the rest of the world is measured with
their record of never succeeding at anything. So keep the advice coming,
we're always listening. Forgive us if our experience is that nothing you
is ever worth ACTING on!
Jack Painter
Virginia Beach VA
BROVO!! Jack.
73 and good DXing.
A lot of radios and 100' of rusty wire!
Zumbrota, Southern MN
Brian's Radio Universe
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