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Old November 22nd 04, 11:37 AM
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Jack Painter wrote:

"David" wrote

It's not possible to defeat those animals and not turn into something
equally repulsive in the process.

Well, its too bad you are so disconnected from the boys and girls that make
up the American armed forces. We have fought animals and defeated them
before, and we're defeating them now. Not one generation of Americans has
known exemption from having to deal with countries and peoples who tortured
and murdered their prisoners as well as their own countrymen. The muslims
aren't much different in that respect than the Germans, Japanese, Koreans,
Vietnamese, Sandanistas, Serbs, Taliban or fundamentalist muslim anywhere.
We can and do defeat them without turning into something repuilsive, or
proscribing a lack of freedoms in our own country that would alarm Thomas

There's no way anybody's thinking is going to change without a major
calamatous event that'll wake everybody up and get them focused on the
important stuff again. There is a lot of self-indulgent BS happening
right now, on many levels.

Oh yes we have changed things that were important, and continue to do so.
America can act quickly if its in our best interest, or we can work the
wheels of justice at a slow but inexorable rate that drives criminals
insane, and defeats them all the same. If this drives some liberals insane
in the process, so sorry. We can make more liberals! And we will of course.
They are a necessary part of our formula. Not our strength, but not our
downfall either. We all know the only thing it takes for evil to prevail is
for good men to do nothing. There are plenty of fine young and old men and
women in America, and the world knows this and desires us. Some to jealously
eliminate us, most to emulate and partake in the fruits of liberty, justice
and free enterprise with us. Criminal elements both at home and abroad
benefit from freedom also, and there must always be a balance that protects
the interests of the meek, the honest and the providers from those who would
destroy us.

We have bigger problems than Islamist terrorists.

Glad you aren't making policy for the Defense Department.

Apparently he's only involved in making lousy TV programs.
