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Old November 22nd 04, 07:04 PM
Jack Painter
Posts: n/a

"David" wrote in reply to
"Jack Painter"

Well, its too bad you are so disconnected from the boys and girls that

up the American armed forces. We have fought animals and defeated them
before, and we're defeating them now. Not one generation of Americans has
known exemption from having to deal with countries and peoples who

and murdered their prisoners as well as their own countrymen. The muslims
aren't much different in that respect than the Germans, Japanese,

Vietnamese, Sandanistas, Serbs, Taliban or fundamentalist muslim

We can and do defeat them without turning into something repuilsive, or
proscribing a lack of freedoms in our own country that would alarm Thomas

Nagasaki, Dresden, My Lai, etc.

David, You are accusing the US of turning into something repulsive because
we firebombed Dresden and nuked Japan? Mai Lai, etc? WHAT ETC? Do you have
any idea how many Japanese lives we spared because we nuked only two small
cities instead of Tokyo? Is there a shred of your brain working that lets
you ask yourself why we hit them where we did? Your response was repulsive
in my opinion, as it reflects a depth of depravity and ignorance that is
dangerous to those of us that must protect you. Fortunately we are smarter
than to waste our time being bitter about idiots, we simply work around
them, and they usually fade away without hurting anyone but themselves. The
measure of American's response to your diatribe could vary according to how
hard you try to hurt others before you destroy yourself. Your freedom of
speech has limits too which you will discover if you ever talk to a Vet like
that in person. We saw California liberals disrupt a Michelle Malkin book
signing recently by screaming, drum-beating and threatening protests during
her speech at Berkley. You were probably among the animals denying her free
speech in an institution of so-called higher learning. Maybe it was your
desire to draw defenders of free speech into a pitched battle? Be careful
what you ask for, you may get it someday. It won't be a police-state you
have to fear, we don't pay our police to provide animal-control services.
