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Old November 22nd 04, 09:42 PM
Mark S. Holden
Posts: n/a
Default FORCED MENTAL HEALTH SCREENING for Children now has passed!

Barrel wrote:

Well, your Child in School will now be screened by a Bureaucrat(s)
That will come to Your local school.
(sounds like "Brave New World" Huh?) They will prescribe Expensive Psychotropic Drugs
to children.The children that are deemed mentally sick , will have to show up at the school
nurse everyday to make sure the kids take the drugs and the Parents keep buying the drugs.
Keep telling Yourself "It couldn't happen here" while IT IS HAPPENING.

Not worried Adults? They said It will eventually "extend to adults"
All in the Name of Profits for Drug companies.

Remember this happened in a majority republican House,Senate Congress.

The Vote has passed and Now Bush Will Sign it.

Do you happen to have links to the actual bills, or information so I could track them down?

I couldn't find this information on the link you provided.

I couldn't even find a quote from the legislation.

I'd like to read what it actually says before making up my mind about it.