Would this be a good beginner's radio for me to purchase?
If you do travel a lot, I don't see how, at the price point, you could really
go wrong, unless you end up getting sent a quality-control dud. Barring that, I
see nothing wrong with it. You get fairly wide SW coverage, SSB, and the entire
clock/alarm thing for your travels. FM should sound fine with headphones, as
most of the recent mini-receivers have been getting pretty good at sound from
But if you can get a few hams in SSB or decent int'l broadcasters while on the
road, how can you go wrong for $40?
I say go for it.
As for being a good beginner's radio, well, it's a little different than the
travel issue. I'd rather buy something I can grow into, and spend more at
first, than end up with a radio that doesn't do any one thing well enough to
keep me from being frustrated. You can drive a tractor down the highway, but
it'll take you longer to get where you're going, and you likely won't do it
But if travel and portablility is the issue, God, for $40, do it!