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Old November 25th 04, 08:16 AM
ken chattenton
Posts: n/a

HI once again from Ken,
"big boy now" wrote in message
Hi ken can you tell me how to test the pre amp....

Once you switch your radio to a frequency higher than 1 Ghz you should be
able to hear the relay switch in for the pre-amp.
One other ( and best way really ) way is if you have a signal generator that
goes above one Gig
is to use that and check the fundamental frequency of the generator above
one Gig.
You should get a good reading if all is OK and the preamp is working as it

The only reason I asked this question in the first place is because of the
time period you say the radio had not been used for. The change-over relays
some times stick and need cleaning.

Good luck with the sale, cheers, Ken, G4KIR.