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Old November 25th 04, 06:04 PM
Larry Ozarow
Posts: n/a

tommyknocker wrote:

Every generation of Christians believe that they will be "the last".
When Jesus says in the Gospels "in this generation, the days are
numbered" he's talking about the people sitting in front of him
listening to him speak. The first Christians believed that the End was
coming in their lifetimes. But they died, and then the second generation
believed the same thing, and so on. The first Muslims believed that the
End was dawning and that they had to conquer the world before it
came-and they nearly did. But even though they conquered a good part of
the planet, the End never came. Christians believed that if they
liberated the Holy Land that the End would come. Centuries later,
America was the place to greet Jesus when he came again. 2000 years
after Jesus told a bunch of impoverished Galilee fishermen that their
days were numbered, Christians STILL believe that the Second Coming is
in their lifespan. You'd have thought they would have gotten a clue by
now. History is NOT going to end. God is NOT going to descend from the
sky and save humanity from itself, because God is a man made myth. Yes,
I'm an atheist. Yes, I think your holy book is a bunch of sheepherder
myths. Preach away-I've heard it all before.

Nicholas Kristof had an OpEd column about the "Left Behind"
series in Wednesday's NY Times. Not his best, but OK. He
offers the authors a bet - if the Apocalypse begins
within the next 10 years, he'll donate $500 to the War Against
the Antichrist. If it doesn't, they donate $500 to a charity
that fights poverty and bigotry.