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Old November 27th 04, 12:45 PM
Posts: n/a

"RHF" wrote in message
= = = "Lucky" wrote in message
= = = ...

I'm using 300Ohm Twinlead as an ant hooked up to a 4:1 current balun.
But, the lead is NOT split and divided like a dipole but can't just
as it is together.

Is it still functioning exactly as a bad dipole?
I'm getting great reception, low noise. I just don't want to limit
myself with a dipole.



Hey - What Works - WORKS ! )

What you appear to have is a Center-Fed ZEPP Antenna or "T" Antenna.

Using a Balun (Matching Transformer) and Coax Cable Feed-in-Line
makes it an 'improved' Low Noise Antenna.

You may wish to consider moving the Feed-Point from the Center of
Two Equal Arms to an Off-Center Feed-Point with a Short-Arm of 38%
and a Long-Arm of 62% of the Total Length of the Antenna. This
type 'configuration' of Wire Antenna is called a "WINDOM" Antenna.

Three to Read:

* Need an Off-Center Fed SWL Antenna consider a Windom type design
- The ORIGINAL Windom Antenna
- The Improved "Low Noise" Windom Antenna
- The "Dipole" Windom Antenna
- The "G5RV" Windom Antenna

* KISAP Broadband Antenna Questions
Shortwave Listener "SWL" {300 Ohm Twin Lead} Windom Antenna
- Long-Arm 'cut' for the 49 Meter Shortwave Band = 38.54 Feet
- Short-Arm 'cut' for the 31 Meter Shortwave Band = 24.13 Feet
- Vertical-Leg 'cut' for the 19 Meter Shortwave Band = 15.15 Feet
- Mount/Rig this Antenna at a Height of 30.3 Feet with the Vertical
Leg and Coax Cable Feed-in-Line coming down Straight and Vertical.
- TV 300 Ohm to 75 Ohm Matching Transformer (Balun)
- TV 75 Ohm Coax Cable Feed-in-Line
NOTE: The 300 Ohm Twin Lead froms a 'continious loop of wire'
in the shape (outline) of a small 't'. The Ends of the Loop are
connected to the 300 Ohm Ends of the Matching Transformer.

* A Few "Ready-Made" Windom Antennas

iane ~ RHF
Some Say: On A Clear Day You Can See Forever.
I BELIEVE: On A Clear Night...
You Can Hear Forever and Beyond - The BEYOND !

On thing I should make clear is that this twinlead is NOT center fed at all.
I'm using the lead just like a long wire except the ends of the twinL are
separate and not connected and it's hooked up to a balun in the room, not
outside. Only coax from balun to beautiful radio.
