Thread: Cool Antenna
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Old November 28th 04, 05:25 PM
Posts: n/a

I bought five sections of exterior grade plastic pipe and the pipe
couplings and the pipe couplings cement at a local Home Depot store to
make my tree limb saw arrangement.I cemented the pipe couplings on to
the pipes and then I screwed the pipes together one at a time as I
worked the saw up as high up in the trees that I wanted to go,I needed
to reach up a little over fifty feet high to saw off the tree limbs.It
was sort of cumbesome but it worked ok for me.I don't remember exactly
how much money it all cost me but it wasen't much.Check out your local
building supply stores.Also about five or six months ago there was an
article at about a small weird looking bent wire
antenna and I think the article said the antenna was developed by
NASA.It is suppose to be a very good antenna too.