KK4TL wrote:
Al Patrick wrote ...
The Press and Standard 843-549-2586
SPEND YOUR DIME and take your time. The phone companies need the
business. ;-)
You're right, Al - this could get spendy. But .. your nearest Sam's
Club has the answer. Long distance cards for 2.8 cents a minute.
The whole thing should be over in a week or so. I don't figure it's
gonna take the Walterboro jury long to see what the profit has been up
to with those young "sisters". Especially if any offspring resulted
from the "ministry".
THAT'S what blew this whole thing open in the first place. TWO
different girls (one white, one black, the best I can recall) THOUGHT
they were pregnant - they were not!
This caused Bro. Stair to "confess" to one or two of the brothers who
called a meeting of about 60 of the brothers on the farm and he
allegedly confessed to all of them. (This is from memory. Check with
http://www.thenetteam.net for the testimonials, etc.
The "problem" came when some of them thought he should "step down" and
he refused to give up the throne! ;-) Then came the big departure, the
web sites, the law suites, etc., etc.
Oh, I'm hauling around one of those Sam's Club 2.8 cent cards now. I
*think* they've dropped to about 2.38 or so. (Again from memory) I
haven't used it lately as I have minutes left on my cell phone.